Brīvprātīgo darbs 2017/2018

Kā jau ierasts arī 2017/2018 mācību gadā skolā darbojās brīvprātīgie jaunieši.
Mercedes no Spānijas paveica lielisku darbu. Neskatoties uz to, ka viņai bija grūtības ar latviešu valodu, viņa mācēja sazinājās ar visiem projektā iesaistītajiem. Jauniete noorganizēja "Grāmatu dienu" – dienu, ko tradicionāli svin Spānijā. Šī aktivitāte aptvēra visas skolas skolēnus un skolotājus - sākot ar pirmo klasi līdz pat vidusskolai. Mersedes atbalstīja mūsu pašu jauniešus, kam bija interese par brīvprātīgā darba projektiem. Jauniete organizēja prezentācijas par EBD vidusskolas skolēniem un tikās ar vairākiem skolēniem. Katru nedēļu Mercedes vadīja spāņu valodas nodarbības skolēniem un citiem Ādažu novada iedzīvotājiem, kā arī noorganizēja Spānijas kultūras dienas ĀBVS. Mercedes aktīvi līdzdarbojās 2. klases ikdienas dzīvē cenšoties pēc iespējas vairāk iepazīt Valdorfas pedagoģiju. Piemēram, uzzinājusi par zīmēšanas nozīmīgumu Valdorfas skolās jauniete uzņēmās atbildību un katras nedēļas galvenās nodarbības ilustrāciju ar krītiņiem uzzīmēja uz tāfeles (tas izklausās vienkārši, bet patiesībā ir liels izaicinājums). Kopā ar visu vecumposmu skolēniem ļoti daudz praktizēja angļu valodu. Arī skolas vecāki ar jaunieti daudz sazinājās un novērtēja viņas lomu skolā.
Brīvprātīgā Zoe no Vācija ir jauniete ar īpašām vajadzībām un skola ir priecīga ka viņa tika izvēlēta par brīvprātīgo šim mācību gadam. Zoe strādāja bērnudārzā un jau pirms ierašās Latvijā viņai bija liela interese par latviešu kultūru un tradīcijām. Zoe pavadīja daudz laika mācoties spēlēt latviešu tradicionālo mūzikas instrumentu kokli. Projekta nobeigumā jaunietei tika uzdāvināt viņai īpaši gatavotā kokle ko nu viņa var spēlēt Vācijā. Zoe bija ļoti, ļoti sociāla un vienmēr gatava ko jaunu izmēģināt. Viņa labi apguva latviešu valodu ko praktizēja sarunās ar bērniem. Jauniete izstrādāja vairākus individuālos projektus un palīdzēja daudziem citiem EBD jauniešiem no citiem projektiem un organizācijām.

Denise Wirth (EBD Mentors)

It's Mercedes, I spent a wonderful year in Latvia and I would like to write about that:
I worked as an assistant teacher in the 2nd i class with Ilze, I couldn't have better teacher and workmate who became a friend and one of the most important people in this experience. I worked every day in a beautiful school with lovely people who helped me whenever I needed it, and in a class with twenty adorable kids full of energy and always ready to play, run and develop their creativity! They were the main reason why I came to Latvia and I'm very grateful because I could get to know their wonderful country with a rich culture and amazing people.
This experience gave me the opportunity to develop professionally: learning about Waldorf Pedagogy, supporting lessons, developing a educational project, managing a class... And personally: trying to learn a new language, relying more on myself, willing to do things that I never thought to do and meeting wonderful people who make my days happier and full of love.
I treasure in my heart all memories in Latvia and in the school.
Thanks Latvia, thanks ABVS!

With love, Mercedes.


„We started with a simple hello but ended with a complicated goodbye“ – Tabea. About three month ago my EVS ended and when I’m thinking back I really miss this time. When I went to Latvia I was just prepared as much as I needed to be. My sending organization told me the basics for example about EVS, insurance, youthpass, my rights and responsibilities as a volunteer.When I arrived in Latvia I was so curious: how will my work be? What about my accommodation? Who will be my flat mate? What about the country?
My work was great. I really loved the work in the kindergarten, to see how the kids are growing, how curious they are, how they like or don’t like activities. I had the opportunity to create projects for the kids, like painting in a box or making Easter bunnies out of flower pots and plant sunflowers. But I also got the chance to work in other organizations for a one-day project sometimes.
The EVS gave me the opportunity to experience Latvia for ten month. So I had the chance to learn the Latvian language, something about the culture, the people and the country. I had time to travel around Latvia and explore different regions and places. I went to around twenty different places in Latvia to make some sight-seeing, take some walks to enjoy the nature or I went swimming in the Baltic Sea. Compared to my home country Germany, Latvia is different: the people there are celebrating their country and their culture. To me Latvians seem very proud of their country. Every five years they have traditional Latvian sing and dance festival called “Dziemas svētkus”. At this festival different orchestras play together, different choirs sing together and different dance groups dance together. Me and some friends, we got the chance to be a part of the final evening as visitors. A whole night full of traditional Latvian music and dance. This was so intense and unique.
Thanks to my time in Latvia I had the opportunity to travel a lot. Like I already wrote I visited around twenty different places all over Latvia. But I also went to the Estonian capital Tallinn, to the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, to the Swedish capital Stockholm and to Israel. And all of this journeys I never did by my-self. During my stay and some seminars I met new people from all over Europe, who I made friends with and who joined my on all of my trips.
Finally, I would like to say that despite some challenges, such as the language barrier or foreign affairs at the beginning, the time in Latvia was absolutely great. With all the rain, the cold winter of sometimes -20 degrees, the Latvian summer and the sun. With the people, the food, the country and the culture. Latvia is so much that many may not even know. I'm glad to have met Latvia and its facets and will miss this time and the people I have met incredibly.
