Brīvprātīgo darbs

2018/2019 mācību gadā skolā darbojās brīvprātīgās jaunietes: Katharina no Vācijas un Cristina no Spānijas. Tālāk ir lasāms pašu jauniešu apraksts par gūto pieredzei Latvijā.

My name is Katharina from Germany and I have just finished my 10 month voluntary service at the Waldorf School in Adazi. 
Last year in August I spontaneously applied for an EVS and 2 weeks later I flew to Latvia to start my project. I didn't know what to expect or anything about Latvian culture in general. 
When I arrived I was a little overwhelmed by all the new things I encountered, a Spanish resident, so many new colleagues in school and kindergarten as well as the slightly different kind of Latvians. 
Over the year I took on many tasks, I mainly worked in kindergarten but also accompanied the German lessons in school and spent some hours in the cultural center and the social welfare office. There are some obstacles like the language barrier, the different climatic conditions and interpersonal differences. But it was a beautiful year and a wonderful experience : I learned a lot of new skills and found new friends, both in the college and among the other volunteers (especially my great roommate). 
Thanks to everyone who supported me and gave me the opportunity to get to know the school and Latvia in general.
